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Daylight Saving Time and Our Devices

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The first weekend in November is recognized as the time to set back your clocks. Every year at this time, most of the world gains an extra hour of sleep during that weekend.

While many people welcome the extra sleep, they also become annoyed at the inconvenience that Daylight Standard Time poses for them and their routines. They also wonder how DST will impact the technology on which they rely on a daily basis.

Why Daylight Standard and Daylight Saving Times?

Theories abound for why we change our clocks' time on a bi-annual basis. Some historians argue that credit can be given to Benjamin Franklin who proposed setting clocks back an hour in order to save candle usage. Others say it is based on the Romans' practice of adjusting water clocks to match the time of the year.

While disputes about the time changes origins continue, proponents of them argue that Daylight Saving Time does indeed conserve energy during the summertime. People have more time during the day to avoid turning on lights and appliances in their homes. This extended daylight equates, according to them, to a savings of 25 percent in energy consumption.

Other proponents, such as those in Florida, say that Daylight Saving Time gives people more time to enjoy the daylight. They can get more done during the daytime and also avoid being the victim of crimes. They also can see better to drive in busy traffic to and from work.

Finally, fans of Daylight Saving Time say that they appreciate not having their sleep patterns and moods disrupted. They do not like having to turn their clocks back in the winter or enduring days that are shorter in duration. They feel more prone to depression and sadness during Daylight Standard Time.

The Impact of DST on Technology

Aside from disrupting people's moods, sleep patterns, and daily routines, the time changes also pose a challenge for modern technology. In particular, makers of devices like computers, tablets, laptops, and smartphones have to create and implement updates that will stay abreast of these yearly hourly changes. The updates have to be designed to make the time adjustments automatically in order to spare people the inconvenience.

These updates, however, also have to take into consideration parts of the world that do not observe or use Daylight Standard or Saving Time every November and March. Some parts of India and Australia, for example, as well as Newfoundland, Canada do not implement these bi-annual time changes. Instead, they utilize minor variants in times, ranging from 30 to 45 minutes, to keep apace with the times of the year.

Coping with Time Changes in Your Daily Life

While the makers of today's technology scramble to design technology that stays apace with the yearly time changes, you can take precautions in your own life to make these time adjustments easier for you and your family. To start, you will want to identify what devices in your home, car, and office will not adjust themselves automatically in March and November. You may need to manually adjust devices like your:

  • Coffee maker
  • Stove
  • Microwave oven
  • Car radio
  • Wall clocks
  • Watch
  • Sprinkler system
  • Home alarm system

You also are reminded to change out the batteries in your smoke alarms or detectors during the yearly time changes.

Another way to prepare for these times of year is by waking up an hour earlier and eating a good breakfast. Practicing getting out of bed earlier especially closer to Daylight Saving Time in the spring will make you less cranky when the time change actually occurs. Eating a good breakfast also signals to your body and mind that it is time to start your day.

The yearly time changes of Daylight Saving and Standard Times pose a challenge for people the world over. Makers of technology continuously create updates to ease these time transitions. You also can take precautions to make these adjustments easier for you and your loved ones.