Pem® S-RT™ Free-Running Locknuts feature allow screws which allow the mechanism to turn freely until clamp load is applied. If the tightening force is removed, these nuts no longer provide any torsional resistance to rotation.
Detailed specifications, fastener drawings and 3D models, and performance data (Bulletin SO) for these RoHS-compliant fasteners can be viewed and downloaded for free at All drawings for PennEngineering® products including Atlas®, PEM® and SI® fasteners can be directly inserted into market leading CAD systems or be exported into common file formats. After navigating to your final product selection you will be asked for basic user information before you can insert, download or email a 2D drawing, 3D model, or sales drawing file.
If you would like more information on these or other PEM® products, please contact your Tower representative at 800.688.6937, or by using our online information request form.