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Fasteners • Electronic Hardware • Design Solutions

Press Room

What Makes Genius Inventors Tick?

March 8th, 2018

Great inventors and geniuses often rely on quirky sources of inspiration and guidance.

PEM® PFC4™ Self-Clinching Captive Panel Screws

March 6th, 2018

PennEngineering News Release ~ PEM® PFC4™ Self-Clinching Captive Panel Screws Enable Easy Access to Stainless Steel Enclosures Without Loose-Hardware Risks

Transparent Aluminum - When SciFi Becomes Reality

March 1st, 2018

When the Star Trek Movie was made in 1986, transparent aluminum was a science fiction concept worthy of inclusion in a movie series like Star Trek. But amazingly, life has imitated art, as transparent aluminum is now a real product.

How Safe is Public Wi-Fi?

February 22nd, 2018

The conveniece of public WiFi must not overshadow the importance of protecting your private information.

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