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Eyes on the XPRIZE: Progress Update

June 17th, 2016

Have you heard of the XPRIZE? It's a scientific and engineering competition designed to provide an incentive to solve a major problem that does not have a clear solution.

Technology: What To Expect In 2016

January 7th, 2016

From robots to drones to computers to wearables, this year looks to be one to remember for technology lovers.

What NASA Plans To Do With Its $19.3 Billion Budget

December 24th, 2015

Here is a look at some of the more interesting developments that may arise because of NASA's $1.3 billion budgetary windfall for 2016.

Lockheed Martin Wins Some, Loses Some Government Contracts

September 3rd, 2015

Lockheed Martin is one of the world's top technology and aerospace manufacturers. Find out what they have been building for the U.S. Government in this post.

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